a Chicken Blog

A Dozen of our Most Recent Scratchings

Breeds & Breeding

Chick Care

Farm Life


Flock Care

Incubation & Hatching


All the Posts, in Chronological Order

When Can I Put my Chicks Outside?
Flock Care, Chick Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care, Chick Care Suzanne Chandler

When Can I Put my Chicks Outside?

Well that depends on many things, chiefly the weather and what does your outside set-up entail. The rule of thumb is that they need to be ten weeks old if the over-night low is going to be around 30. That said, I put them out at four weeks at about any time of year. What? Yes. Four weeks, with supplemental heat.

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Hemp Bedding
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Hemp Bedding

I am really happy to be able to acquire, and to offer to you, Hemp Bedding. Reduces smell, is lighter and less dusty, warmer and dryer.

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Juvenile or Grow-Out Care and Housing
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Juvenile or Grow-Out Care and Housing

I’ve shared quite a few of my best tips and tricks for setting up a chick brooder, but what about the next step? When they are too little to just toss into the big girl coop, but too big stinky to stay in the house.

At this point, I put them in the big girl coop, with accomodations.

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Winter Flock Check
Flock Care, Breeds & Breeding Suzanne Chandler Flock Care, Breeds & Breeding Suzanne Chandler

Winter Flock Check

One of my seasonal chores is a comprehensive flock check — I go out and catch and pick up each and every one of my 100+ birds. I check them for bugs, make sure that no-one feels underweight, ensure their leg bands fit properly, take their pictures, and decide which of the grow-outs I will keep and which I will share.

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Avian Bird Flu
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Avian Bird Flu

I kept hoping the warm weather would get here before avian bird flu did, but alas, both cool wet weather and bird flu are headed our way.

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Mulch: Not Just for the Garden
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Mulch: Not Just for the Garden

Our chicken yards used to be hard-pan due the the soil-killing properties of vast quantities of nitrogen-rich chicken poo. Stinky on good days, vile and slick on wet days. No more! We put down thick layers of mulch and it is so much better.

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Heat Management
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Heat Management

We are expecting epic heat wave this week and so many of the things we are doing to help our flocks weather this are untested. Nevertheless, this is what we are doing to prepare:

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Adding Teenagers to the Big Girl Flock
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Adding Teenagers to the Big Girl Flock

So your little floofs have grown up and are now big smelly teenagers and it is time to get them out of the house. I can’t help you with your human kids, as it is hard to fledge them in a time of quarantine, but I can help with your chicken kids.

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