a Chicken Blog

A Dozen of our Most Recent Scratchings

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All the Posts, in Chronological Order

Chick Flippers
Chick Care Suzanne Chandler Chick Care Suzanne Chandler

Chick Flippers

As chick season heats up, I want to talk to you about Chick Flippers. These are people who place large orders from commercial hatcheries, have the chicks shipped in, and then list them for sale at a HUGE mark-up on Craigslist etc. They don’t disclose . . .

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When Can I Put my Chicks Outside?
Flock Care, Chick Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care, Chick Care Suzanne Chandler

When Can I Put my Chicks Outside?

Well that depends on many things, chiefly the weather and what does your outside set-up entail. The rule of thumb is that they need to be ten weeks old if the over-night low is going to be around 30. That said, I put them out at four weeks at about any time of year. What? Yes. Four weeks, with supplemental heat.

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How to Pick up Chicks
Chick Care Suzanne Chandler Chick Care Suzanne Chandler

How to Pick up Chicks

No, this is not a dating guide. If you are looking for your soulmate, volunteer with an organization that aligns with your values and priorities. All those other volunteers are your pre-filtered field of candidates. Now, back to chicks . . .

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Farm Life Suzanne Chandler Farm Life Suzanne Chandler


Dalia Monterroso, local resident and President of Chickenlandia, just published a book: “Let's All Keep Chickens!: The Down-to-Earth Guide to Natural Practices for Healthier Birds and a Happier World”.

”Readers will learn how to plan their flock, how to raise baby chicks, what to look for in a chicken coop, how to keep chickens healthy naturally, and more.”

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Juvenile or Grow-Out Care and Housing
Flock Care Suzanne Chandler Flock Care Suzanne Chandler

Juvenile or Grow-Out Care and Housing

I’ve shared quite a few of my best tips and tricks for setting up a chick brooder, but what about the next step? When they are too little to just toss into the big girl coop, but too big stinky to stay in the house.

At this point, I put them in the big girl coop, with accomodations.

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